
The He-Doll—3

'That bloody eye-opener!' he mumbled between his teeth. He had to relax. Really. He was keyed-up, much too tense. As he watched the oyster knife keenly, he felt his left jaw sagging, and his whole sweating body slouching down.
'Shit!, I'll soon be through with you, you dirty whore! You still owe me five thousand bucks.' He spat away his cherry-flavored gum.
For sure, he had always thought he was a bit of a philander, and a smart guy, in every sense of the word. He had to think quick now.
His gaze refocused on the envelope, the vellum arrested his attention. The girl, that elusive question mark he had reduced to a blank, that bitchy Misty--you filthy bum ! I'll be breaking your teeth! Watch yourself.But now, he was being watched... He set out to examine his freshly varnished nails—-he would rub his hands with almond cream every night to have them felt soft—probing into his memories. He was feeling feverish, as if vaguely seized by uneasiness. 'Be my guest,' she had told him. 'The flat is all yours, my friend, I'm giving you the key.' When was it again? A year ago, or so. He had encountered her--the cathedral was emerging from a red-shaped moon that gleamed at dusk. Fuck! He was behind the wheel of his flashy Audi 5 motor, she was driving a puce Austin Retro. That slithering smile, oh so sweet and sour. He had taken her for a silly cow, a niiiice girl, and very naive. At that time, he had done his accounts and had got something out of it. The day before, he had ventured to the dental practitioner, he could not endure the gnawing pain in his mouth any longer.
Now fully equipped with state-of-the-art braces, he repeated the orthodontist's words to himself, snickering 'Don't forget, you she-boy, no chocolate, no fudge, no sticky thing , no nothing' He had shut his mouth with a smacker.'I'm just saying', the dentist resumed 'forget about wet pussies—'