
I can't see blue velvet though my tears

As I stand on my numb leg, in that dark dark closet of mine
On the sly, I see you, crawling stark naked on a cocaine floor
That slumps into bad bad crime...
Sure I could pry open that sick cunt of yours, oh my, oh my
But I 'm too bemused and a bit blue too
To coax thou up and off you are to Funny Town with
Jo Lee and Dill Dostar.
No can't do for a crowbar, a cross or a clue
As I sit to unwhore you.
I can't see blue velvet through my tears
For the sandman has kissed me blue,
For the Dandyman has shot thou thru
And I drift, and I drift , nailed to a flimsy wall
Twang twang—


Monsieur Godin or the all-changing breaking-up,A Theme

A lite chat for your little pussycat
That may dream the rest away
But Kant sees and God knows I try
Two counts dancing beebop, oh my,
So trite and so tight-lipped
You stay with no script, 'cause
They can't tease thy pain a way.


A Passe-porte for the Louvre

As we paced back and forth in the maze of the huddled hushed statues, it suddenly dawned on me Chéri that the numbed one-eyed sphere was Trapp. Embezzzled in the slut-machine of the no-space outside, I press your hand and you smile a farcical rainbow. Oh je t'adore Monsieur (pronounced in a droll drawl as you cuddle me). Got two for an exit, a snubbed-nose man exclaims. "Get lost", We say in a criss-cross song a silly mallard told me last Friday. But we want to get out, into the entre-chambre of Monsignore and, there, low after the ascending, semi-impressed flight of stairs, there, the crimson, all-red and glowing magnifique spectacolo. Take a snap, two shots, and I swoon into your arms, oh my! Can I love you More, Thomas, than this long asparagus of a woman with the circled white scarf who winks at you. "Ailuv Yoo" (by the way you can only hear that ancient old song when wrapped under a quilt with your petite sweetie. Well, anyway, shall we stay here, after all, we are not far from A Better Place.

Le Maître-Fourreur

Ah Martine, sitôt étiez-vous montée sur ce tabouret en peau d'Alembour,
Queue, ah coquine,je suis si oppressé, que la commune mesure,
Celle-la même qui sied au commerce des peaux retournées et détroussées,
Me fit percevoir l'entre-jambe à peine tiédie d'une fente,
A laquelle j'eusse aimé apporter mon ouvrage.
Mais il me fallait mettre une main engourdie par trop de lubricant ,
Sur un pic à poinçon.Pouah, fîtes-vous, ô gourgandine adorable,
votre trousse à crins, soit dit en passant aussi peu garnie, c'est un crime!, fit une culbute,
Sur un sol rendu glissant par quelque ténébreuse sortie d'une autre Bonne
A tout faire.
Un doigt mignon pénétrant en sûreté dans un orifice tout aussi rose semblait m'écrire
Quelque sucrerie dont j'avais encore le goût.
A coups fourrés!